March 1 is celebrated as World Compliment Day, a day that aims to address the “basic human need for recognition and appreciation.”

When was the last time someone gave you a compliment? Do you recall the way it made your day and made you feel appreciated? World Compliment Day is a time to share that feeling of wellbeing with those around you. There is nothing better than knowing how you make a difference in other people’s lives and that what you do matters.

There's this particular lady that stays in my hostel, she gives the best compliment, I mean each time our paths cross there's just this aroma of compliment she carries along with her and once she drops them(oh my😍)... I can't help myself from blushing. A little compliment goes a long way in brightening someone's day, you never can tell if the compliment you give them is the confirmation they need at that moment.

The best way to give a compliment is to be sure that what you are saying is sincere and heartfelt. It doesn’t need to be earth shattering, you can just let someone know that they have done a good job at work, or you like their outfit. But if you can offer a deeper compliment and tell them what an impact they have made in your life.

Another thing that you can do on World Compliment Day is to try and remember to smile and say thank you when you encounter people who do a daily service for you. Bus drivers, cashiers at the coffee shop or market, taxi drivers or even those you run into in the store. Service can sometimes be a rather thankless job and your smile and sincere thanks could mean the world to them!

What are other areas of life where a compliment could go a long way? Those in education, medical professionals are just a couple of other areas. With a little thought, it is sure to come to you who in your life could use a boost.

In today’s fast paced world, taking the time to compliment those around us is an art that should be passed down to our children so that is isn’t lost in time. Use World Compliment Day to teach your children the way to be sincere in their thanks. It is also a good time to teach them to appreciate those around them and to not take the people in their lives for granted

Make someone's day by praising them.
Spread Joy and Positivity, it doesn't diminish or lessen your happiness. Remember to give sincere compliments always.

According to the official website of the unofficial holiday, Poortvliet created the day as a way to spread happiness and increase productivity. The website encourages people to use words instead of gifts as a way to praise and appreciate people. The idea is to create the “most positive day in the world.”

I celebrate all my revered readers. I appreciate each and everyone of you. I wish I could hug you all right now. Thank you is not enough to show how grateful I am for always stopping by to read.

Keep complimenting!
Keep appreciating people!!
Spread positivity!!!

Leave the world a better place than you met it.

Love from me😍😍

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